Gleneagles Family Medicine
1102 Gleneagles Drive, SW
Huntsville, AL 35801
Insurance & Billing
It is important that you have your correct insurance information at the time of your appointment.
Please be sure to notify our staff if your insurance coverage changes anytime during your care.
It is the patient’s responsibility to ensure proper authorization and physician participation before making an appointment.
Any services not covered by insurance will be the patient's responsibility.
Patients are expected to pay all co-pays and balances at the time of service.
Balance information can always be found on your secure patient portal. If you have a balance on your account you will receive monthly statements in the mail.
We accept cash, debit/credit cards and checks.
Fees apply for returned checks.
To make a payment,
log in to your patient portal here:
Or try our new and faster
Healow Pay Option!
Gleneagles in office services: (256) 881-5880, option 3
Crestwood Lab Services: 256-429-4820